Monday , September 16 2024

Benefits Of Garlic Peels

So many benefits of garlic peel? You will be surprised to know what.

Garlic is not only a vegetable that gives good taste to food but also a medicinal substance with numerous medicinal properties.

Generally, when we add garlic to food, we add it with the skin removed. But did you know that garlic cloves are just as nutritious as their skins?

Yes, garlic skin is rich in various vitamins and nutrients. Its skin is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E, as well as powerful antioxidants such as flavonoids and quercetin.

So instead of throwing away the skin of garlic, try to include them in your diet as much as possible. Through this, you can get many benefits. Now let’s see what benefits garlic skin provides.

1. Cholesterol is bound

Antioxidants in the skin of garlic control the bad cholesterol in the body and provide good protection to the heart. So people with high cholesterol problem, when adding garlic in cooking, it is better to cook it with the skin. This will give you double benefits.

2. Controls blood pressure

Not only in garlic, but also in their skin, there is a compound called sulphur. This sulfur helps to keep the blood pressure in balance and helps to keep the blood pressure under control. Therefore, it is very good for people who have high blood pressure problems to cook and eat garlic with skin.

3. Boosts immunity

The skin of garlic is high in antioxidants, which help flush out harmful toxins from the body and prevent damage caused by free radicals. Importantly, these antioxidants help keep the body’s immune system strong.

4. Good for hair

Since the skin of garlic has anti-bacterial properties, it effectively kills germs. If you also have a lot of dandruff, using garlic peel will kill the dandruff-causing bacteria and prevent hair damage. Grind and powder the skin of garlic, mix it with curd, apply it on the scalp and let it soak for a while, then wash it off with cold water. Mainly vitamin C in garlic skin improves hair health.

5. Improves skin health

The skin of garlic contains collagen proteins. These are very good for the skin. Collagen increases skin elasticity and smoothes the skin. Also, garlic skin helps in providing relief from skin itchiness caused by inflammation.

And to improve the health of the skin, if you grind the skin of garlic into powder, mix it with curd and apply a face pack, you will see a good change in the health of the skin.


About gistfox

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