Sunday , September 29 2024


Ancient Symbolisms And Languages Of Nigeria

By now, we are familiar with the fact that long before the coming of the White man on the African soil, Africa was developed in its own capacity. Besides the written history of Egypt, Ethiopia, Sudan, and what is today known as Nigeria via Nok arts held secrets and knowledge …

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A Call To Preserve And Digitise Yorùbá Orature And Chants

Like tiny blocks that form a building, oral history/traditions, chants and folklore form a large part of Yoruba heritage, creating a powerful impact on the bedrock of cultural appreciation and socio-economic status. The richness and exotic appeal that chants and orature bring into the aesthetics of Yoruba culture can’t be …

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Do your secrets rip and roar? do they tear at you with open claws? do your secrets dig down deep? do the make you want to speak? and also sometimes make you weep? why’d I do it in the first place when I knew it was along? I wonder how …

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A Lost And Found For Love

There’re many women I have met And loved throughout my years. Some provided joy I’d get, But most provided tears. There were those in fancy clothes Who’d show me their affections. Less fancy dressers then arose And showed me new directions. But all would leave, I’m not sure why, For …

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The Shatter Of My Tear

Afraid to love Afraid to hold All the stories untold Why am I afraid Of loving Afraid of being broken It’s so easy to take my heart and throw it away I will stay silent The only sound you will hear Is the shatter of my tear The dropping of …

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My Love

From the moment our eyes met, My soul could never forget. You handed me your number on a scrap piece of paper And walked away with my heart. Who would have known That would be the start? The start of an on-going journey of you and me. Time passed, lives …

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A Love Almost Lost

She pulled up the drive, and as she got out, I said to myself, “There is no doubt, The most beautiful thing I’ve seen in my life. This woman before me will be my wife.” Campfire stories and fun four wheeling, The loose grip on my shirt feeling. “You better …

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Communication takes practice, it’s never perfect, sometimes not patient, sometimes not kind, but you have to say what’s on your mind. Lend an ear, listen not just hear, to the ones you love so dear. Communication is not a one way street, it takes two, to concur this feat. Communication …

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Love Takes A Little More

You supply the lips and I’ll supply the kiss, You supply the chance and I’ll supply the bliss. You supply the truth and I’ll supply the trust, You supply the time and I’ll supply the lust. But if it’s love you want, it’s gonna take a little more, and when …

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