Thursday , September 19 2024

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7 Secret Beauty Tips You Never Knew You Needed

Several skin care products and routines have become increasingly popular in the pursuit of radiant and perfect skin. This is mostly because vibrant, radiant skin is a real confidence booster. In trying to look your best, there are beauty secrets that you might have missed, and what better way to …

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5 Simple Solutions To Brightening Your Dark Underarms

Dark armpits are a common problem and can be fixed with easily-available ingredients in your homes. It might be uncomfortable wearing armless or raising your hands in public because of the dark spots. Here are five home remedies you can try this week to have smooth underarms: Potato Potato is …

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The state of contemporary Igbo nation

The choice of the topic ‘Onodu Anyi bu Igbo taa’ (The State of Igbos in Contemporary Society) stirs mixed feelings in me and I believe that this is true of any Igbo son and daughter who is conscious of our history and journey as a nation within a country.   …

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