Sunday , September 29 2024


EC says 2020 polls most successful in Ghana’s history but NDC disagrees

ean Mensa, Electoral Commission, Chairman The Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission has conducted the most successful general elections in Ghana’s history. That’s according to a Director for Training at the Commission, Michael Boadu, who attributed the success to their choice of procurement method, reported At an ongoing post-election event held …

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Respect humanity

I would say race is the coloration of humanity by black and white color, it’s a regional criterion that doesn’t define one’s personality or a net worth of one’s knowledge, position or acquisition. Humans have placed an over hyped emphasis on skin color both the Whites and the Blacks are …

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Try to live

“If you have never done something for someone who can never repay you then you have not really lived. If it’s only the people who can repay you that you help then you have no reward from God – Just try to live once.” -Kanayo Ebuka

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Judge your heart

“In the cause of following your heart remember to go along with your brain, take your heart and brain to a place where they will agree on one thing, your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel. The reality of life lies between the decision of …

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