Site icon Gistfox


Share Your Story

Publish on our site where a whole lot of people can read it as we help you share your stories, poems, quotes, articles or ideas, this creates a community of social or supportive awareness. Poems, Stories, quotes and post are allowed.

Submission Rules

  • Only submit stories written in English and French
  • If we publish your work then you can submit another poem.
  • We only publish fresh stories not yet published anywhere on the internet.

Submission Guidelines

  • Write a story or article that people from all over the world can understand.
  • Submitted stories should use basic methodology and be of good quality. We expect to publish heartfelt stories.


  • Remember to introduce your article poem or story, tell us what they are all about.
  • You may remain anonymous or tell us a little bit about yourself, and the source of your story, poem or inspiration in brief between.
  • Attention!
    Only your user name will be published, other details supplied at the time of registration remain private.

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